"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
-Martin Luther King Jr
About Us
Travel and travel and travel, and then travel more!
This site begun in 2019, a warm summer, where we were just pondering on our fond memories of our travels.
What inspired us was the need we had of a site with authenticity and reliability. A site where journalists could describe their travels with facts separate from experience. We needed people trained to write and trained to capture the moment with their photos.
We are trying to provide our audience with the info they will need before they start their travels. And we want to offer a platform where everyone can share their experience!
So don't forget to subscribe & leave your comments
Meet The Team
Evi Mag
Hi! I am Evi. Welcome to our site. I am a journalist and I simply love travelling!
Join us on our adventures!
Maria Iatr
Hello!! Maria is calling! I am a student of Journalism and Mass Media Communication department. My dream is to become a travel journalist and a photographer!
Alissa J.
*Newest addition
Mary V.
Hey! I am Mary and I have graduated in Journalism and Mass Media Communication from Aristotle University. I have been active in volunteering, theater and modern dance.
Helen Andre
Hello! I am Helen and I am studing communication at the Kapodistrian University. I love music and traveling. My dream is to work in advertising.