Between the cold Trondheimsfjord, the lovely green forested hills and the Nidelva river, a beautiful city, Trondheim, stands with her royal prestige.
As Norway's first capital, back in the late middle ages, in Trondheim still happens the royal ceremonial blessing for the new Kings.
Weeks before my arrival there, Norwegian people told me about the National Norwegian day; 21st of May, so it was an quick decision.

I had the chance to watch one of the biggest celebrations in Norway. For the first time I was seeing so many Norwegians out of their houses or their little red cabins. The spectacle was unimaginable! All the local community full dressed with their special traditional costumes walking happily in hords between the colourful warehouses, bridges, waterways and wooded hills towards the city center.

But the most strange for me was the seniors of high should dressed with their full body red, blue and green uniforms declaring the end of their schooltime; a new era was about to begin for them. Walking along with the Norwegian hords I had the opportunity to see the photogenic colourful Trondheim through the eyes of locals. So beautiful.

Passing by the Old Town Bridge to old town under the Lykkens Portal towards the big central road to watch the big parade. I have never seen a big parade like this. From the morning till the evening all school children walking by the orchestra vibes, local clubs and senior students standing in huge tracks dancing in the loud music rythm, for the first time Norwegians were parting with their hearts.
All the feasts ended up in front of the Nidaros Cathedral, one of the most monumental cathedrals in the Church of Norway, traditional location for the consecration of new kings of Norway. I can still remember the long green fields of grass between the river and the Cathedral where parachutists were landing by holding proudly the Flag of their peaceful nation.

Evening is the best time to walk along the side of the river. When the sweet twilight falls on the river's waters and make the oldest of the wharves to seem like the waterfront as it was long before then. But now they are quiet and alone, not just they used to be full of boats and merchants. However a beautiful and peaceful place to enjoy the colourful landscape and think about your next travel.
